Saturday, June 23, 2012


Never has my name sounded so sweet
As it was on the lips of a fourteen-year-old boy
Trapped inside a man's bloody body.
When the medication wore off and the doctors came
He stood to his feet and screamed with swollen lips
Defending himself from the torment he'd endured.

When they let him down
I will stand up for him.
Wrap my arms around his frail body,
And weep with him
For the things he was never born with...
For the things they took from him...
Their sins will haunt them to their graves.
The ropes around their necks will not loosen.

Have mercy on us, Creator of Love,
When we leave this rock we've wrecked.

Never have I wished my feet to fly
As the day I saw a three-year-old princess
Smashed against the unforgiving concrete.
When the cars stopped and the people emerged
She stood armor-less and screamed with cracked lips
Begging for safety from the one whose womb held her.

When they throw her down,
I will stand up for her.
Wrap my arms around her screaming, fragile body
And weep for her
For the things she was never born with...
For the things they took from her...
Their sins will haunt them to their graves.
The ropes around their necks will not loosen.

Have mercy on us, Creator of Love,
When we leave this rock we've wrecked.

I am like my brothers and sisters
Defenseless and screaming...
And these ropes will not loosen.

Have mercy on us, Creator of Love,
For we have not yet left
This rock we've wrecked.